Jenni Capps was elected to City of Duncan Council in the election of 20 October 2018.
Her City of Duncan email is: jcapps@duncan.ca
Here is her bio on the City of Duncan website. [note: PDF]
Jenni Capps maintains a Facebook page on which she regularly posts about various issues.
Here is our commentary on some of her and other actions and policies she advocates and/or has voted for or against.
14 April 2019 – Jenni Capps attended the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) Convention in Powell River between 12-14 April 2019.
Here is a link to the AVICC 2019 program and Resolutions [note:PDF, 96 pages]
On her Facebook page she reported the following about the AVICC Convention:
Jenni Capps spoke at AVICC in favour of Resolution 2 – Lowering the Voting Age In Municipal Elections To 16
“R2) Youth Voting in Local Government Elections [Motion proposed by the City of Victoria]
WHEREAS youth have a strong interest in the future of local communities;
AND WHEREAS empowering young people to participate in democratic processes fosters ongoing and
active civic participation:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia revise the voting age for local
government elections to 16 years of age.
Resolutions Committee recommendation: Not Endorse”
Our Comments: We do not support lowering the voting age from 18 to 16 in Municipal elections.
Jenni Capps voted in favour of Resolution 26:
R26) Safer Drug Supply to Save Lives (Motion proposed by the City of Victoria]
WHEREAS It has been two years since B.C. declared a public-health emergency due to increased
overdoses, yet the death toll for those consuming substances continues to rise due to an
unpredictable and highly-toxic drug supply;
AND WHEREAS people with opioid use disorder, a chronic relapsing medical condition, are at high risk
of overdose-related harms including death and an estimated 42,200 people inject toxic substances in
British Columbia, it is not possible for the treatment system to rapidly increase services fast enough
to manage this number of people as “patients” within a medical treatment model given the many
challenges in achieving and retaining the people on opioid use disorder treatment, people at risk of
overdose in British Columbia do not have access to a safer alternative to the unpredictable, highlytoxic drug supply:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in an effort to save lives and reduce harm due to an unpredictable
and highly-toxic drug supply, and as part of a holistic response to the public-health emergency,
including prevention, treatment, and recovery, that the Province of British Columbia work with local
communities, Health Authorities across the Province, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions,
and the Ministry of Health ensure that people at risk of overdose harm have access to safer
Resolutions Committee recommendation: No Recommendation”
Our Comments: This is a very vague resolution which can be interpreted various ways.
We think Jenni Copps is in favour of supplying pharmaceutical grade heroin to opioid users, an idea we completely oppose as we think it will lead to a Cowichan Valley version of the situation documented in the video Seattle Is Dying:, which we have posted on this website.
If, on the other hand, a solution like the Rhode Island program documented in Seattle Is Dying was put in place, we could support that.
But this resolution is very vague on details of what this proposed program under Resolution 26 would look like.
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