City of Duncan Mayor & Council

Garry Bruce

Jenni Capps

Tom Duncan

Stacy Middlemiss

Carol Newington
City of Duncan Mayor & Council

Mayor Phil Kent
Mayor of Duncan since 2006
Position on Amalgamation: “Against Amalgamation”
Residence: City of Duncan
Our Comments: Mayor Kent has publicly stated he is Against Amalgamation.
Mayor Kent has announced he will not seek re-election on 20 October 2018.
City of Duncan Council
(in alphabetical order by surname)

Michelle Bell
Position on Amalgamation: “Opinion Reserved”
Residence: Outside the City of Duncan
Our Comments: We disagreed with Councillor Bell’s “Opinion Reserved” position on Amalgamation.
She resides outside the City of Duncan. In the 2018 Municipal Election we will only support qualified candidates who actually live in Duncan.

Roger Bruce
Position on Amalgamation: Very Pro-Amalgamation. Actively campaigned for Amalgamation with Cowichan Pro Amalgamation.
Residence: Municipality of North Cowichan
Our Comments: We disagreed with Councillor Bruce’s strong pro-Amalgamation position. Accordingly, we will not support Councillor Bruce if he decides to run for Duncan Council in the Municipal Election on 20 October 2018

Tom Duncan
Position on Amalgamation: Against Amalgamation.
Residence: City of Duncan
Comments: Councillor Tom Duncan is running for re-election on 20 October

John Horgan
Position on Amalgamation: Pro-Amalgamation.
Residence: Municipality of North Cowichan
Our Comments: We disagreed with Councillor Horgan’s strong pro-Amalgamation position.
Councillor Horgan passed away during his term of office following a heart attack. Our condolences to his family.

Sharon Jackson
Position on Amalgamation: Against Amalgamation. Actively campaigned against Amalgamation. She ran the Cowichan No Amalgamation campaign.
Residence: CVRD

Michelle Staples
Position on Amalgamation: “Against Amalgamation”
Residence: North Cowichan
Our Comments: Councillor Staples came out against Amalgamation on 19 June 2018, 4 days before the Amalgamation Referendum. Prior to that she had been “Opinion Reserved”.
She resides outside the City of Duncan. In the 2018 Municipal Election we will only endorse qualified candidates who actually live in Duncan.
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