At its Council Meeting on 15 July 2019 the City of Duncan passed a Climate Emergency Declaration, after receiving a petition from One Cowichan containing 1,015 signatures.
Here is the Cowichan Valley Citizen article on this City of Duncan Climate Change Emergency Declaration. Here is One Cowichan’s online release about the City of Duncan Climate Change Emergency Declaration.
These Climate Change Emergency Declarations are being strongly advocated by One Cowichan, which held a meeting at Duncan United Church on 23 July 2019 to promote the passage of Climate Change Emergency Declarations by local governments.
Here is a sort video on the One Cowichan YouTube channel of Jane Kilthei of One Cowichan and Cara Pike of Climate Access responding to my question about what a Climate Emergency Declaration actually entails and what One Cowichan expects local governments to actually do after passing a Climate Change Emergency Declaration.

It should be noted that the Mayor of Duncan, Michelle Staples, and at least two City of Duncan Councillors – Jenni Capps and Stacey Middlemiss – are members of One Cowichan, although they were not at the meeting at Duncan United Church on 22 July.
Several Municipality of North Cowichan Councillors – including Kate Marsh, Christopher Justice and Rosalie Sawrie – are also members of One Cowichan and were present at Duncan United Church for the One Cowichan meeting on 22 July.
Cara Pike of Climate Access referred to Vancouver’s Six Big Moves. Here are some articles about the City of Vancouver’s “Six Big Moves”:
- Vancouver Sun – April 2019
- Georgia Straight – April 2019
- City of Vancouver – April 2019
- City of Vancouver – Administrative Report – April 2019 [note: PDF 53 pages]
Here is the as Declaration of Climate Emergency as passed by Duncan City Council on 15 July 2019:
June 18, 2019 Environment and Sustainability Committee Recommendations
Declaration of Climate Emergency – R-192-15
It was moved (by Councillor Jenni Capps) and seconded:
That Council recognizes that climate change constitutes an emergency for the City of Duncan;
And That staff be directed to report back to Council within 90 days regarding:
- actions the City has previously taken to reduce GHG emissions;
- actions the City is presently taking to reduce GHG emissions;
- actions the City is taking to adapt to climate change;
- an action from the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, prioritized by the Environment and Sustainability Committee to be initiated in 2019; and
- additional actions that the City could take in the short, medium and long term to further reduce GHG emissions.
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