The Cowichan Housing Association was created in February 2015 as an offshoot of Social Planning Cowichan.

Its former Executive Director, Chris Hall, is also a Director of Social Planning Cowichan. and President of the Cowichan Green Community Foundation. Chris Hall is currently on the Board of Directors of the Cowichan Housing Association, occupying a Board seat reserved for a representative of Social Planning Cowichan.

The Cowichan Housing Association mailing address and offices are at 106-225 Canada Avenue, Duncan, BC, V9L 1T6, (at the corner of Canada Avenue and Ingram Street in downtown Duncan). It was previously located at 202-5878 York Road, North Cowichan, the same address as the Social Planning Cowichan offices were located until quite recently .

The Canada Revenue Agency shows no listing for the Cowichan Housing Association as a Form T3010 Registered Charity.

As of 20 October 2018, as a result of the CVRD Referendum question on CVRD Bylaw 4201, the Cowichan Housing Association is the recipient of $765,000, or more, per year in taxpayer funds, raised by a new CVRD tax on all properties within CVRD borders, including properties within municipalities, to fund the Cowichan Housing Association.

Taxpayer funding appears to have been the Cowichan Housing Association goal from its inception. The February 2015 press release from Social Planning Cowichan announcing the creation of Cowichan Housing Association stated clearly that:

“…[The] new housing society [i.e. the Cowichan Housing Association] is engaged in developing resources and programs to facilitating the creation of more affordable housing in the region. To that end, a primary focus for this coming year is to engage with local governments around the establishment of a regional affordable housing trust fund…[emphasis added].”

After the Yes vote in 20 October 2018 Referendum on CVRD Bylaw 4201, this “regional affordable housing trust fund” was established and is apparently to be funded through the taxpayer funds of $765,000/year, or more, to be transferred to the Cowichan Housing Association by the CVRD under CVRD Bylaw 4201. will be following the Cowichan Housing Association activities closely and will be posting regularly on these activities.

Here is some additional information about the Cowichan Housing Association:

As far as we are aware, not a single unit of new housing has been built by the Cowichan Housing Association or as the result of its activities.

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